Enmore Memorial Hall
What's on at the Hall
Upcoming Events for your diary
​Pop-Up Cafe
Saturday February 8th 2025, 10am - 12noon, all welcome.
Keeping Enmore Green - Litter Pick
Sunday February 9th 2025, 9am - 10:30, all welcome.
Quiz and Fish and Chip Supper
Friday March 7th 2025, 7pm. Booking essential. Call Doug on 01278 671188.
Pop-Up Cafe
Saturday March 8th 2025, 10am - 12noon, all welcome.
Previous Events
Afternoon Tea
This was, again, a great success, thank you to all who helped with and supported the event.
Scarecrow Competition - update
Thank you to all the brilliant scarecrow entrants. We had loved seeing them and all the imagination brought to making them so entertaining. We hope they have brought a smile to passers-by. Everyone who entered has received a small prize, with a special commendation to Sally Parsons and grandchildren for the snooker player. The overall winner was Alan Cromack for the 'Hiway to Hell' cyclist. Congratulations!
Macmillan Coffee Morning
We are delighted to report the event raised a fabulous £146.15. Those who attended were very generous and the cakes on offer were utterly delicious. Leftovers went to Church the next day for the Harvest celebrations.
Thank you to everyone who contributed.
Afternoon Tea at The Hall
The famous Afternoon Tea came to Enmore.
The event was a huge success, and it will return again in 2024!
The event, along with kind donations, enabled the following:
The Hall received, £212.50 and Enmore Church £142.50
Details and the important date will follow in the New Year!
Email: enmorevillagehall@gmail.com